WE DID NOT INCITE- THE MIGRANTS “INCITED” US- Performative statement of civil disobedience


–          Minister of Interior, G. Ragoussis

–          Prosecutor’s Office of Athens

–          any other competent authority

Dear Minister,

We were recently informed, that on the occasion of the hunger strike in the unused building of the Law Faculty of Athens, you announced that “those who are responsible for these processes  we will search for with the prosecutor’s intervention and those who participated will be held accountable”, and that “the political and mainly civil responsibility of those who incited and organised the occupation of the Law Faculty, for putting the country and the Greek society in inconceivable danger, is huge”.

In order to facilitate your search, we proudly and voluntarily inform you that we the undersigned are among those who participated: with all our soul and as far as our capabilities allowed us, each one of us stood next to the struggle of these people, a struggle which has been one of the few sources of inspiration that Greek society had to offer over recent times. We willingly undertake all political and civil responsibility that our ethical commitment to the struggle of these people entails. Should solidarity constitute a crime for the Greek state, we call upon every competent authority to proceed with all necessary measures for our punishment and we are at your disposal for any further information you may need.

However, as far as “incitement” is concerned, we disclaim all responsibility. Not out of fear of being held accountable, but for the mere reason that the idea and execution of this action was from beginning until end the work of the hunger strikers themselves. No matter how inconceivable this sounds to your racist minds, non-Europeans are also beings with their own judgment and ability for collective deliberation and action. They are not children in need of a white man’s guidance. The promising developments in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen and elsewhere constitute ample evidence of this.

It was therefore not us who incited the migrants; it was the migrants who encouraged and inspired us, and for this we are grateful.

If you agree with the above, pls send an email to cr33396@telenet.be