Call for Solidarity with the 300 migrants on hunger Strike in Greece/Migrants Solidarity Network – Turkey

On Tuesday January 25, 300 migrants started a collective action in Athens and Thessaloniki. They demand the legalization of their status. They are men and women currently living and working in a country without any social and political rights. They are denouncing the modern apartheid which they are victims of. They are denouncing the hypocritical way western countries are dealing with migration, turning it into a problem which needs be tackled and managed, defining women, children and men as unwanted and illegal, and designating them as the scapegoats to current economic and social problems. Their collective action is now being the target of populist speeches spread around by the mainstream Media and of police pressure. Συνεχίστε την ανάγνωση Call for Solidarity with the 300 migrants on hunger Strike in Greece/Migrants Solidarity Network – Turkey

Solidarity from Catalonia

Dear hunger strikers,

Papersper a Tothom( Papers for All) and Cornellà sense Fronteres (Cornellà without Borders), immigrant associations in Catalonia, Spain, stand in solidarity with you in your struggle for elementary rights for foreign workers in Greece. Συνεχίστε την ανάγνωση Solidarity from Catalonia

Κείμενο Αλληλεγγύης- No Borders South Wales

A message of support from Wales, UK

The human desire for freedom can never be stifled, and the voices of those in solidarity do  not go unheard in the moral vacuum of Europe’s murderous policies. The actions of the Greek Hunger Strikers have rippled across nations and inspired others no matter how far away we are. Συνεχίστε την ανάγνωση Κείμενο Αλληλεγγύης- No Borders South Wales