Tag: δράση αλληλεγγύης
Karawane München – Solidaritätskundgebung mit den 300 MigrantInnen im Hungerstreik in Griechenland
Seit dem 25. Januar 2011 befinden sich 300 MigrantInnen in Griechenland im Hungerstreik, um ihre Legalisierung einzufordern. Die Entrechtung von Menschen aufgrund ihrer Herkunft findet nicht nur in Griechenland statt, sondern in ganz Europa. Συνεχίστε την ανάγνωση Karawane München – Solidaritätskundgebung mit den 300 MigrantInnen im Hungerstreik in Griechenland
Call for a Common Day of Action – 11th February 2011
On Tuesday 25 of January the historical building of the Law school in Athens that is out of use at the moment- turned to be the place of a fair and democratic struggle; a place, where a lot of social struggles had taken place in the past, had the opportunity to host the struggle of 250 out of the 300 migrants- workers, who are fighting in Athens and Thessaloniki for the unconditional legalization of all migrants. A struggle for equal rights to life, carried out by those who want to be no longer invisible. Συνεχίστε την ανάγνωση Call for a Common Day of Action – 11th February 2011