– hunger strikers’ assembly-decision, 21/02 –

For us, legalisation is neither a generic nor an abstract slogan. We don’t want proposals to be heard without us. For us legalisation means many and very specific things. Between those, first and foremost: Συνεχίστε την ανάγνωση – hunger strikers’ assembly-decision, 21/02 –

300 grevişti ai foamei 02.21.2011

Pentru noi legalizarea nu e un  genel slogan fara inseama. Nu vrem propuneri pentru noi sa lua parte fara noi. Legalizarea pentru noi inseamna lucruri urmatoare :

Συνεχίστε την ανάγνωση 300 grevişti ai foamei 02.21.2011