Am Dienstag den 25. Januar wurde das historische Gebäude der juristischen Fakultät in Athen-das zutage nicht benutzt wird- Ort eines fairen und demokratischen Kampfes; dieser Platz, in dem eine Menge Sozialkämpfe in der Vergangenheit stattgefunden haben, hat jezt die Gelegenheit den Kampf von 250 von isgesamt 300 Immigranten – Arbeitnehmern, die in Athen und Thessaloniki für bedinungslose Legalisierung aller Imigranten kämpfen, zu unternehmen. Ein Kampf für gleiche Rechte zum Leben, der durchgeführt wird durch die, die nicht mehr unsichtbar sein möchten. Συνεχίστε την ανάγνωση Aufruf für einen gemeinsamen Aktionstag – 11. Februar 2011
Category: γλώσσες
δημοσίευση στο site του FPDS (frente popular dario santillan)
Masiva huelga de hambre de inmigrantes en Grecia
Por Mirto Laz y Prensa De Frente – Desde el martes 25 de enero, 237 inmigrantes en Atenas y 50 en Salónica están en huelga de hambre pidiendo legalización para todos los inmigrantes que viven y trabajan en Grecia. Se trata de la huelga de hambre de inmigrantes más grande que se ha realizado en la historia de Europa. La medida se toma pocas semanas después que el gobierno griego anunciara, apenas iniciado el 2011, la construcción de un muro de más de doscientos kilómetros en su frontera con Turquía, inspirado en el muro que divide a Estados Unidos de México, con modernas cámaras térmicas y sensores de movimiento. Συνεχίστε την ανάγνωση δημοσίευση στο site του FPDS (frente popular dario santillan)
Statement of Solidarity from ARCI (Italy) – HOME IS WHERE WE WANT TO LIVE!
Statement of Solidarity from ARCI (Italy)
Human beings must be able to decide freely and independently the place where
they want to live. They should be able to choose if they prefer to live
where their roots are or in a place different from where they were born.
However, states, economic power and political structures, unrelated to the
daily life of men, women and children in the world, impose arbitrarily their
will upon people by means of force and violence.
For this, having already gotten the approval of the Peoples Movement
Assembly at the World Social Forum for Migrations in Quito, Ecuador 2010 for
a day of world mobilization on December 18, 2011, we are promoting the
assembly ‘Home is where I want to live’ to take place at the World Social
Forum in Dakar to discuss and approve a concrete plan to carry out this
international day of action.
For this, from Italy and from Dakar, ARCI stand in solidarity with you and
migrants hunger strikers in Greece!
Your struggle is our struggle.
For us, migrants coming from all country of the world and residing in all
country of the world, the time has come.
The time has come to abandon narrow outlooks, passivity, fear and egoistic
The time for accepting everything, including charity and inhuman
exploitation, just to survive, is over.
Now it’s time for a global vision of our live, a worthy life that every
human being deserves.
It’s time for a global vision of the world: we know it better than anyone
else because our migratory paths cross it in every direction.
We know how to neaten a shack and how to clean up a hut, but we also know
how to manage intricate computing networks.
It’s time to learn and teach: what are our rights and our responsibilities,
how to make the first eventually respected, without exceptions; how to fully
take charge of the second.