Κείμενο Αλληλεγγύης- No One Is Illegal – Toronto

To our brothers and sisters on hunger strike in Athens and Thessaloniki and their allies,

No One Is Illegal – Toronto send our strongest expressions of solidarity with your inspiring struggle for justice and dignity.

We are a grassroots migrant justice group made up of migrants of color and allies, opposing the ongoing colonization of Turtle Island (North America) and demanding the recognition of indigenous sovereignty. We oppose the forces that displace and push people out of their homes globally and struggle for justice for all undocumented people and migrants.

While we see today the perpetrators of war and occupations, economic exploitation and environmental destruction, gather at the World Economic Forum in Davos to further their agendas of oppression and exclusion, we are inspired and honoured by your courageous example of resistance in Greece.

Like you, we struggle and strive for a world in which all people can live in justice and dignity. We are honoured to join your call in demanding an end to all detentions and deportations, an end to the exploitation of migrant workers, and for the complete legalization/regularization of all non-status people in Greece and beyond.

In Solidarity
No one Is Illegal – Toronto